No it’s not about boxing. Current heavyweight Google has a new opponent in the world of search engine. Cuil (pronounced “cool”) which means an old Irish word for knowledge, claims that it can index faster on the worldwide web of information. Their new search engine info page located at http://www.cuil.com states that “ it searches more pages on the Web than anyone else—three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft.”
Out of curiosity, I tried opening two browsers on my computer. One directed to google while the other one is for cuil. A quick search for my name “Jamin Domingo” on search engine google displayed my complete user profile on blogger as well as my name on a tabloid newspaper. Doing the same thing with cuil, the result was not that “cool”. It took a few more seconds and it did not display an accurate result even in the last three pages. Well, who’s Jamin Domingo anyway? So I tried typing the model number of a LinksysOne device (SVR3000) and it returned the error “No results were found”.
IMHO, in terms of speed and accuracy, Cuil Inc., should focus itself first in beating no. 3 Microsoft Corp. then no. 2 Yahoo Inc. before even trying to challenge the undisputed heavyweight Google in the world of web search. On the other hand, I think we should still give cuil more time in improving their search engine since they were just starting out.
By the way, while capturing screenshots, I noticed that the word “Kagangkapan” was misspelled on google.ph, I think it should be “Kasangkapan?” .
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